Launched in 2003, CAPITAL ABERTO is the first Brazilian magazine specialized in capital markets coverage. Our proposal is to offer feature stories, interviews and analyses, always with the commitment to provide comprehensive information for professionals involved in publicly-traded companies and the capital market.
CAPITAL ABERTO publications
CAPITAL ABERTO updates its content weekly for the website and mobile platforms. Corporate governance, institutional investments and publicly traded companies stories are the main focus of our coverage.
A print edition is released every two months with a selection of the stories published in the last period.
Our audience is composed by:
• managers of publicly-traded companies,
• shareholders,
• institutional investors,
• market analysts,
• consultants,
• lawyers,
• auditors,
• board members and audit committee participants,
• stock exchange and oversight agency personnel,
• academics,
• university students.
Special and Extra editions
These CAPITAL ABERTO publications are released on a exceptional basis. As they address specific topics, CAPITAL ABERTO’s special editions remain relevant for longer periods of time. Click here to read.
Place your Ad
CAPITAL ABERTO offers the best advertising options for communicating with its select readership. Our readers are highly influential decision-makers at their respective companies, with elevated purchasing power. CAPITAL ABERTO’s premium readership is your perfect advertising target. Contact us to know more about advertising opportunities.
If you are not a subscriber, you can get a 1 month free trail by registering here. The content is all presented in Portuguese language.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please write to us at [email protected] or call +55 11 3775 1600.
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especiais em cursos e webinars.
Faça agora uma assinatura e tenha acesso ao melhor conteúdo sobre mercado de capitais
Ja é assinante? Clique aqui
Launched in 2003, CAPITAL ABERTO is the first Brazilian magazine specialized in capital markets coverage. Our proposal is to offer feature stories, interviews and analyses, always with the commitment to provide comprehensive information for professionals involved in publicly-traded companies and the capital market.
CAPITAL ABERTO publications
CAPITAL ABERTO updates its content weekly for the website and mobile platforms. Corporate governance, institutional investments and publicly traded companies stories are the main focus of our coverage.
A print edition is released every two months with a selection of the stories published in the last period.
Our audience is composed by:
• managers of publicly-traded companies,
• shareholders,
• institutional investors,
• market analysts,
• consultants,
• lawyers,
• auditors,
• board members and audit committee participants,
• stock exchange and oversight agency personnel,
• academics,
• university students.
Special and Extra editions
These CAPITAL ABERTO publications are released on a exceptional basis. As they address specific topics, CAPITAL ABERTO’s special editions remain relevant for longer periods of time. Click here to read.
Place your Ad
CAPITAL ABERTO offers the best advertising options for communicating with its select readership. Our readers are highly influential decision-makers at their respective companies, with elevated purchasing power. CAPITAL ABERTO’s premium readership is your perfect advertising target. Contact us to know more about advertising opportunities.
If you are not a subscriber, you can get a 1 month free trail by registering here. The content is all presented in Portuguese language.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please write to us at [email protected] or call +55 11 3775 1600.
Para continuar lendo, cadastre-se!
E ganhe acesso gratuito
a 3 conteúdos mensalmente.
Ou assine a partir de R$ 9,90/mês!
Você terá acesso permanente
e ilimitado ao portal, além de descontos
especiais em cursos e webinars.
Faça agora uma assinatura e tenha acesso ao melhor conteúdo sobre mercado de capitais
Ja é assinante? Clique aqui